Blog Archives for tag VIP Clips
RandomSoleEncounters – Humbled By Laughter – The Most Arrogant Model Ever
Brianna (25, 5’6, size 8’s) is your local ‘Gym Baddie’. She spends more time taking selfies than working the squat rack, she gets upset if you dare walk in front of her camera, and she thinks every guy is looking at her in the gym. Okay, she’s not THAT bad! But she does have an arrogance about her.
I see her occasionally at the gym but have never spoken to her. Then one day, she approached me and said ‘I want to get some pictures taken.’ It was as if she wasn’t asking me, she was telling me!
I was wondering how she knew I was a photographer, it turns out a friend at the gym told her. So I have him to thank for this because I never would’ve thought of asking her to model for me. I gave her my info and told her to get in touch with me.
Brianna gets in touch a few days later and tells me (once again, she tells doesn’t ask!) that I should do the photo shoot of her for free! She says she has a large social media following and it could benefit me greatly for her to advertise my business on her Insta. It turns out she has around 2.5k followers! Not exactly a big-time influencer!
But the idea of doing a trade always interests me. What about I do a photo shoot for her and she does a tickle shoot for me? I just put that offer out there to Brianna. Her attitude was annoying me and I didn’t care if she said no or ghosted me at this point.
There truly is something to not giving a fuck because, after a few questions about my tickling content, Brianna agreed to the terms! She did tell me that she wasn’t ticklish. I told her that was okay but I always get a little worried when a woman tells me this because there is a chance she is not ticklish!
This shoot was unique because I filmed it before Brianna’s ‘mainstream’ photoshoot. I was worried after taking her photos she would try to backtrack and all this would end up being a waste of my time. So as soon as she came to my studio we filmed her first ever foot tickle session!
Her confident (or arrogant) attitude comes across immediately on camera! She doesn’t seem very interested in doing this shoot. She’s only doing it to get something in return for free!
When I ask how ticklish Brianna’s feet are she tells me a 2/10.
When I start testing out her feet I can see that she is ticklish. But Brianna is trying to hold in her laughter. She was not a 2/10, but I couldn’t get a sense of how ticklish her feet were. She was very good at holding in her reactions to start.
But I love a challenge!
Here’s the interesting thing about Gym Baddie Brianna – I believe that she thought she was only a 2/10. Why’s that? Because it turns out the most ticklish tool on Brianna’s feet are feathers! Do other things tickle her? Yes, but not to the same reaction of feathers on her soles and toes. And her reaction to feathers on her feet is fantastic! She’s surprised and can’t help but laugh out loud when feathers slowly stroke her soles!
Feather tickling was the gateway to get Brianna laughing!
Another great thing I didn’t really notice until editing this clip is how Brianna covers her mouth when laughing. It’s like she’s trying to keep the laughter in and not admit how ticklish she is! She even tells me over and over that she is in fact ‘not ticklish’ as she laughs from being tickled!
I decided I wanted to humble this arrogant ‘Gym Baddie’ and get her to admit how ticklish she is! Did I succeed? Watch and find out 😉
Length: 11:28
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Humbled By Laughter – The Most Arrogant Model Ever
RandomSoleEncounters – Jewel Loves to Laugh – “I really enjoy being tickled!”
Jewel (30, 5’8, 7.5 shoe) likes to be tickled. She is an artist and fitness enthusiast (loves long-distance running). Jewel and I have been talking online for a few months now. She got in touch with me and told me her story:
She had a boyfriend who introduced her to tickling, he would tickle her all the time. She learned to enjoy being tickled from being in that relationship. I think she more than just ‘enjoys’ being tickled, I think she LOVES it! She loves it so much that she traveled across the country to my studio to experience her first-ever tickle session!
Jewel hasn’t been truly tickled in quite a while and she was extremely excited to be in stocks and toe-ties for the first time!
She told me her feet were a 6-7 on the ticklish scale. But we find out that she underestimated her ticklishness. Jewel’s feet are very ticklish from heel to toe and even the tops! I test out all my tools on her ticklish soles to see what works best.
And yes I do find her most ticklish spot! A spot she didn’t even know was ticklish!
Jewel tells me ‘I’ve learned so much about my feet today!’ with every ticklish spot I find.
Jewel has a great laugh and attitude so after testing out her ticklish feet I decided to push the limits and intensity to walk the line between agony and ecstasy. There are moments where it looks like Jewel can’t handle the tickling and other moments where it looks almost orgasmic for her.
Tickling someone who really enjoys it is always fun! At the end of our session, Jewel told me she felt exhilarated and she could feel the endorphins flowing.
I think we might have found a new tickle toy to play with!
Length: 15:06
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Jewel Loves to Laugh – “I really enjoy being tickled!”
RandomSoleEncounters – Lana Blade’s Laughter Unlimited – Foot Tickling PART ONE
Lana is no stranger to being tickled, I’m sure you’ve seen other videos featuring her, but I’ve never had the pleasure of locking her in my stocks. We’ve been trying to set up a session for a while now. She let me know she was traveling close to me so we were able to set up a tickle shoot finally!
Now that I finally have her in the stocks, barefoot and toe-tied, I’m going to make sure to get plenty of tickle time!
I was surprised when Lana told me that she was feeling nervous before being tickled. But she had every right to feel nervous!
The first half of this clip is me testing out different tools and tickling techniques on Lana’s amazing feet! She has flawless, soft soles that are insanely ticklish!
Her feet are so ticklish that even the lightest touch including feathers sends her into hysterics! It’s rare to find someone with such great feather-tickling reactions. Her reactions to all of my different tools and varied techniques are gold! She’s so ticklish!
When I’m done with the tickle test portion Lana is already exhausted! She laughed so much that she had sweat stains on her beautiful dress and told me she needed something to drink! Unfortunately for her, we were just getting started.
For the second half of this clip, I decided to play a little tickle game with Lana. This is a ‘Safeword Surrender’ game.
For this game, I don’t tell Lana how long I’m going to tickle her. It could be anywhere from 1-20 minutes. I have Lana choose a safeword. She chooses the work ‘Donut’. She has to try and endure the foot tickling without using her safeword.
Now that I know what tickles Lana the most I don’t take it easy on her. She laughs so much that her mascara starts to run! I break out a new tool for this game – The Tickle Gloves! Lana isn’t a fan of these gloves (not many are) but you’ll be a fan of the laughter!
How long does the lovely Lana last? Does she use the safeword? Check out the clip and find out!
This is just the 1st part of Lana’s long tickle session. Part Two coming soon!
Length: 16:33
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Lana Blade’s Laughter Unlimited – Foot Tickling PART ONE
Fettish – The Terror Totter – Zelda
I… I uh… heh. Uhm. Welp. This review is going to be all sounds cause uh… that’s all I got. Brain is mush, mind is puddle. Snurfed it out all over the floor. Woof.
The Terror Totter lives up to its name, as poor Zelda finds out. She’s horrendously ticklish, especially under her arms and Derek is keen to extract every scream from her gagged little mouth. She tries to protect herself but does he allow it? NO. HE STRAPS HER BICEPS DOWN SO SHE CAN’T MOVE. Her screams gave life to the internal ones inside my head, my god.
Derek shows no mercy, moving down the totter to her ribs, thighs, and feet. He finds every spot, even the ones you thought were safe, like her navel. ForGET that spot, I swear on my life, iss the worst spot imaginable. Zelda thinks so too, her eyes bulge out of her head (2:30 and 8:24) and I can feel her pain. Literally.
So yeah, if you feel like being turned into a brainless pile of goo, watch this clip. Or do it anyway, cause Zelda’s reactions are incredible and she can’t move at all. Such a fun new rig.
Whew… I need a nap.
Bee kinky, Bee kind,
Length: 14:58
Resolution: 1920×1080