NEW CLIP! (This might be one of my favorites of all time! YUM!) DESCRIPTION: MILF Nikki is visiting and on the phone when Tay sneaks in and removes her slippers and socks… she knows what’s up… Taylor and her stepmom haven’t done this in YEARS! Nikki can’t even focus and needs to hang up… Tay begs, “puhhhleaseeeeee!?” “This is not right! You shouldn’t be playing with stepmommy’s feet anymore!” Nikki giggles and gives in and consents! Tay licks and sucks her soles and toes- coating them in her saliva and tickles her super wrinkled soles in between licks. “I can’t ground you anymore, you’re too old!” Tay puts both big toes in her mouth and tickles her stepmommy’s soles too. Tay has been playing with her friends feet at college but no ones feet compares to stepmommy’s!!! Tay even plays the “itsy bitsy spider” with stepmommys wrinkly feet. Tay agrees to stop (for now) if Nikki promises to let her play with her feet one more time while she’s in town!
Length: 7:46
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – We Shouldn’t Be Doing This!!! MILF NIKKI & TAY
Tagged: f/f, HD, Licking, MILF, MILF Nikki, Tickling Feet, VIP Clips