Oh. My. Goodness. Zura is….. wow.
So, right off the bat the moment she starts getting tickled, you can tell she hates it. Capital H, do not pass Go, she can’t STAND being tickled. It’s probably a good thing she was gagged, because I have no doubt she would be throwing so much volatile content Derek and Peyton’s way if she could talk.
And boy, does this girl SUFFER. She has insanely ticklish feet, and since she’s only elected for eleven minutes and eleven seconds (11:11 anyone?), Derek and Peyton do not let up.
One of my favorite things to watch when Derek has models new to tickling is when he’s teaching them how to use his tools and how to tickle someone. The cries of the helpless victim—I mean, model—go ignored as they talk to each other and it’s just….. Oof. Major snurfage.
Zura is one tough cookie. Stubborn as hell too, just like we like them. We’ll get to find out what she’s like without that gag soon too, you mark my words.
Length: 14:56
Resolution: 1920×1080
Tagged: HD, mf/f, Tickling Feet, VIP Clips