Fettish – The Tickle Table – Jordan

Whoooooah. Okay Jordan, I see you. And your erogenous-ly ticklish feet. O.O

Seriously friends. She says she hates it, but those protests….. They don’t sound like hate. It takes Derek and Mia a few roundabouts to find the right tickle spots but when they do, oh my goodness. Even Mia’s “teekle nails” couldn’t be prepared for the sounds that come out of Jordan’s mouth.

(Also please let me mention that my favorite thing in all of these videos is when a model says “it actually feels kinda good” and Derek says “fuck THAT”. Makes me giggle. (2:21))

Watch when they BOTH get Jordan with the gloves. Again, she uses the word hate, but them moans don’t lie and we get more and more of those as opposed to laughter. (Un)fortunately for Jordan, the tickles seem to win out, and she is denied. Bummer.

Derek and Mia don’t seem to care, they continue to go hard with those gloves. And my gosh, what a wonderful predicament to be in. Eventually caving for a slight break, they finish strong. Too bad Jordan doesn’t….. Or does she?

Length: 15:08
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – The Tickle Table – Jordan

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